Ololade is a dark comedy that follows two friends who stumble upon money in mysterious ways and start a betting business to achieve their dreams. However, when the true origin of their fortune is revealed, they resort to murder and become entangled in a dangerous money laundering operation.
Duration: 01:42:44
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29824198
Country: Nigeria
Language: Yoruba
Genre: Drama
Stars: Femi Adebayo, Mercy Aigbe, Mide Martins, Adebowale Adedayo, Liz Da-Silva, Jaiye Kuti, Kunle Idowu, Debby Felix, Damilola Oni, Oluwatobi Olubiyi, Olanrewaju Ayanwale
Total Episodes: 6
Status: Complete
Subtitle: English